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What music played a special role in the other Wes Moore’s life? What role does music play in your life?

            Music plays a huge role for us in our everyday lives. Sometimes we can relate to our own choice of music which can possibly help us boost our confidence and energy to ourselves. This is what happened with the other Wes Moore’s life because his favorite music involved hip-hop and rap. In chapter 4, it discusses a situation where Wes was reliving in school. The time when Wes wasn’t doing his highest potential at school shown by his lowest academic grades. Teachers announced to Wes’ mother that his son had a learning disability, but in fact it wasn’t to my belief he was making the wrong choices which cost him his education. In reality. Wes’s mother knew that her son's low performance in school was purposely due to not putting the hard work and dedication on his studies. This causes Wes' mother to fall into deep depression, anger, and acceptance that her son Wes was no longer on the right path he was supposed to be on.             Furthermore, the other Wes Moore’s mad

Have you ever made a decision that you believe could have altered your life path?

               While reading this section it comes to my realization that every choice we make can impact our future and can lead us to walk the path of good or evil. As I come from a religious background, a quote from the Bible stands out to me the most is, “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” This quote can be a reference to the other Wes Moore’s life because he couldn’t follow the path of goodness which caused him to live in a confinement prison for the rest of his life. It all started with a planned robbery at a jewelry store which led to the terrible death of an off-duty police officer. This could have been possibly prevented if Wes Moore didn’t follow the wrongdoings of the outside world.                In my own experience, I had a moment where I believe my choice could have altered my life path when I was in sophomore year at hi

Are we products of our environment or products of our expectations?

We are products of our environment based on how our parents or guardians raise us to be good citizens in our world. The best way to raise a child is to have a supportive home and set up correct guidance or rules within the home in order for kids to understand the lack of consequences that may occur in the real world. Parents must be aware of their kids' well-being, health, and behavior during school or outside of school. One must remember our children's first role model and best teacher is their parents. Parents need to make sure they can provide as many helpful resources and right guidance in order for their children to proceed with something positive in their life. Let the children know they aren’t facing the challenges all on their own and make sure they are provided emotional support within their family. Expectations of others may help a child on making terrible mistakes in the future ,but at the same time must consider how much dedication a parent are dedicated to have tim

Is High Education Worth the Price?

Does education provide us beneficial benefits for a successful life? In reality, it depends on you as a person based on what you are striving to learn or seek from college. Students who believe college provides good experience and are worthwhile to obtain their careers such as doctors anything that is required to progress it will be understandable. At a young age from 17 to 18 years old are required to go to college because it is expected they do so. Sadly, the majority of students beginning in college still do not know what they want to do with their lives. Why go to college and accept loans or pay debt on something you still need time to think about. Below will be provided a video where it explains more depth towards college.            While reading the articles it has proven to me that even if students graduate in college sometimes they may not seek what they've been waiting for. Graduate students working as a full time career job has given them challenges and upcoming circumst

Is Fast Food the New Tobacco? Should the obesity issue be government regulated or remain personal responsibility?

          Imagine eating bacon, egg, and sausages for breakfast in the morning with your entire family. The delicious taste of the meal may make you think it is a good healthy breakfast. Contrary to what it is not, it is consumed with carcinogens that lead to cancer. According to the documentary called “What the Health” states that, “The World Health Organization classifies processed meat as a Group One carcinogen, the same group as cigarettes, asbestos and plutonium, was this like I had essentially been smoking my entire childhood?” This is more information about meat in general that is processed and can be related to an actual drug that can affect our bodies without even knowing it. The issue is people are consuming the wrong foods because we live in a world where everything is a business. Even if a certain food that is unhealthy for you is still being sold in stores. Since we as consumers may not know that some food products or drinks such as milk can actually have a risk of health

Is Pop Culture Good For You?

Let's begin to ask our audience if pop culture is good for us. Well it is definitely because pop culture is an idea that we create in movies, memes, viral videos that show awareness, short films, and in music that captivate us the audience where we can relate in a sense of humor and common interest. Pop culture is important in society because it takes us into a place where people can bring happiness to the world by making us dream and smile. Able to connect with the world positively despite the real occurrences that are happening in the real world such as dividing our differences in politics, religion, social issues, cultural values and beliefs. We need to cherish pop culture because it can eliminate the negative impacts on issues that have been created within our society. Where we can put a common ground to have a sense of laughter and joy in order to set aside the seriousness that actually divides us as humans.  Such as in the music industry can be related to