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Have you ever made a decision that you believe could have altered your life path?

            While reading this section it comes to my realization that every choice we make can impact our future and can lead us to walk the path of good or evil. As I come from a religious background, a quote from the Bible stands out to me the most is, “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” This quote can be a reference to the other Wes Moore’s life because he couldn’t follow the path of goodness which caused him to live in a confinement prison for the rest of his life. It all started with a planned robbery at a jewelry store which led to the terrible death of an off-duty police officer. This could have been possibly prevented if Wes Moore didn’t follow the wrongdoings of the outside world.

            In my own experience, I had a moment where I believe my choice could have altered my life path when I was in sophomore year at high school. Sometimes being a teenager can guide you to make poor choices and blind you to those around you. There was a moment when I truly thought I had “good friends” in reality it was the complete opposite. The problem I had is I wanted to try to fit in and seek validation from my friends or others when it came to fashion, trends, follow up on social media, and keep up with the popular crowd. 

The True Path to Pleasure |

            A situation I would like to share on what occurred to me is when my friends tried to make an effort to offer me a cigar and drug use in the school grounds. I quickly denied the offer, but they somehow accepted my decision. I knew that the friends I had were not following the right path instead being guided by the wrong people. I decided to distance myself from being “friends” with them because it came to a point where they would constantly skip class or exit school grounds after lunch period. Some of the other friends I encountered have talked about robbing items from the store. I was aware about this, but decided to not be involved and not say a word.

            When a new chapter came across in my life it was the beginning of my relationship in high school. Imagine the faces of my friends. It was tremendously outraged. They wanted to end my relationship and question my feelings towards him. They manipulated me by saying I prefer my partner over them and stating that my life will be no good with him. It got to the point where they would disrespected him for the simplest things based on how he looked, dressed, talked, and ate. The constant bullying towards him caused me to doubt myself to be with him. I got to a place where I was lost on my decisions. I no longer wanted him to deal with the type of friends I had. This is when everything clicked, I started to realize that I do not need the approval of my friends. I can make my own choices on who I want to be with in my life. The decision I made I won’t regret. I dropped my friends over my relationship. To this day my relationship has blossomed to 7 years. This is one of my main reasons if my life was altered by me choosing to follow my friends. I wouldn't be in a good place where I am now.




  1. It was actually a good decision of you to distance yourself from those friends that wanted to influence you negatively and I also like how you didn't allow your friends to make your decisions for you.

  2. I like how you decided to cut them out of your life because they weren’t fitting into who you were and what you valued.

  3. What a wonderful and appropriate story! The pictures are worth 1,000 words! I love the Wes Moore for Governor of Md. video too!

  4. That's why I always tell my sisters to carefully choose their friends! Friends can influence us to do bad chooses but I like how you decided to distance yourself from them and picked your relationship over them.


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