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Are we products of our environment or products of our expectations?

Top 40 Wes Moore Quotes (2022 Update) - Quotefancy

We are products of our environment based on how our parents or guardians raise us to be good citizens in our world. The best way to raise a child is to have a supportive home and set up correct guidance or rules within the home in order for kids to understand the lack of consequences that may occur in the real world. Parents must be aware of their kids' well-being, health, and behavior during school or outside of school. One must remember our children's first role model and best teacher is their parents. Parents need to make sure they can provide as many helpful resources and right guidance in order for their children to proceed with something positive in their life. Let the children know they aren’t facing the challenges all on their own and make sure they are provided emotional support within their family. Expectations of others may help a child on making terrible mistakes in the future ,but at the same time must consider how much dedication a parent are dedicated to have time with their children.

My life consisted of having an incredible independent mother, hard-working father and dedicated sisters who seek to achieve their academic goals or dreams. My mother has always been present within my education in school. Every parent-teacher conference meeting she attended, she was aware of my struggles in English Language Arts. My parents immediately provided the help I needed by assisting me with after school programs to improve my reading and writing skills. Both of my parents reminded me of the importance of having good grades in school because it can lead to excellent rewards and a good impact on my future. Whenever I received honor rolls, good attendance certification, and art creation or assignment that dealt with my hard work in kindergarten until high school; my parents would place it on the frame or hang it on the refrigerator or anywhere else that it was visible to us. This provided me with positive motivation and encouraged me to keep on going. Seeing my parents show dedication and importance towards my education caused me to have commitment to dreams.

Fridge door hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy

To include the other Wes Moore he stated, “I’ve had the freedom to make those mistakes and the freedom to seek redemption for them when we’re young it sometimes seems as if the world doesn’t exist outside our city, our block, our house, our room. We make decisions based on what we see in that limited world and follow the only models available.” This statement made me realize the importance of children needing to be provided with someone to talk with anyone. If they aren’t provided with the support or attention at home. They will lead to the outside world where they can possibly make the wrong choices or be in the wrong crowd which can cost their life full of regret. Becoming a criminal there will be no way to turn back to time. Especially, living in a dangerous community can be more difficult to raise a child because what the outside world offers to your child can guide them to the wrong ways in life. 

Where I stand now I am truly happy and passionate about what my family offered me in spite of living in a low-income family. I was able to offer my parents what they want is seeing me graduate on stage and soon to accomplish my career. The support of family and my partner made it possible to where I am now. My long life partner has cheered me on with my goals and has been there since high school has uplifted me during the difficult time in my life. He has motivated me to keep on going even if life isn’t like what you desire to be. He reassured me that life can be challenging ,but it all depends on how you proceed based on hard-work and dedication. Anything is possible. 

In conclusion, I do agree that despite the wrong choices children can make in life until adulthood, it can be altered and prevented. There will always be time. It depends on them to put it into a stop at the right moment. Children need that reassurance and someone to talk with towards their decisions in their life. This can guide them on making good choices. Remember if children are alone most of the time they might have the freedom to be open with new mistakes and opportunity to descend on their education.


  1. This blog was great, although I personally believed we are products of our expectations I like how informative and persuasive this blog was.

  2. You did a great job, it was very well written and I do agree with you when it comes to us being products of our environment

  3. Great blog!! I believe having a great support system to guide us through this difficult world is much needed. I also, agree that we are products of our environment.

  4. I agree that having a great support system can completely change your life and guide you thought the world but I also think that this can effect would with parents spoiling their kid this could lead to kids been rebellious and have no driven since their parents are handing everything to them. They feel like they don't have to do anything.

  5. This blog was well written and constructed, I agree with us being a products of our environment based on how we were raised

  6. I found your blog very interesting. I wrote about how we are products of our expectations, so hearing your take on how we are products of our environment and how you backed it up was very compelling.

  7. Parents and family are so influential, I agree, Isabel. They are part of both genetics and the environment (home) that shapes a lot of who we are from our first days. The foundation that parents and families lay for children can be a positive protective force in the larger environment. While other adults can also influence and advocate for children (and do!), family is a powerful force. Nevertheless, some children have incredible resilience and are somehow able to have and reach goals, even when their family is not so functional. However, these may be more 'exceptions' rather than 'the majority' of those. Thanks for a thoughtful and thought provoking blog.


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