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Is Fast Food the New Tobacco? Should the obesity issue be government regulated or remain personal responsibility?

Healthy Menus For Cancer Patients – Food Recipe Story

        Imagine eating bacon, egg, and sausages for breakfast in the morning with your entire family. The delicious taste of the meal may make you think it is a good healthy breakfast. Contrary to what it is not, it is consumed with carcinogens that lead to cancer. According to the documentary called “What the Health” states that, “The World Health Organization classifies processed meat as a Group One carcinogen, the same group as cigarettes, asbestos and plutonium, was this like I had essentially been smoking my entire childhood?” This is more information about meat in general that is processed and can be related to an actual drug that can affect our bodies without even knowing it. The issue is people are consuming the wrong foods because we live in a world where everything is a business. Even if a certain food that is unhealthy for you is still being sold in stores. Since we as consumers may not know that some food products or drinks such as milk can actually have a risk of health side effects, but aren’t being prevented due to health organizations and business profits. Hospitals are not providing us with the real information behind the foods we eat.

        Let’s think about where our meat comes from. A place where animals are terribly mistreated and injected with medicine(drugs) we don’t even know that we might be able to consume from these animals. Paige Tomaselli, a Senior Attorney from “Center for Food Safety” claimed that, “You have this system where animals are living in their own waste, they’re living next to animals that are sick or, even dead, and they’re stuck in cages with these animals that bacteria tends to spread.” This can cause a huge impact on human health due to not being able to provide for animals a sanitary environment in order to have the tendency to gain profits. This issue can cause people’s health not to be taken literally seriously by the government because the government allows this to happen and isn't able to end this problem that is still going on today. An example is the article from “Don’t Blame the Eater” by David Zinczenko he explains how he was consuming different fast food restaurants as a child because it was affordable especially in a situation where both of the parents were not present in his life due to work and family separation. This can create children who are constantly eating foods that can appear to have diabetes and any unhealthy risk. Sadly, parents aren’t concerned over the choices they make on allowing their child to eat unhealthy food. The industry is allowing fast food companies to market children to eat products that can cause obesity, sickness, diabetes, and heart attacks.

        Lastly, this is not technically the people to be blamed for the choice to constantly eat unhealthy meals. It is also the government that is allowing these food industries to keep on selling fast food that can risk people to have high cholesterol and an addiction to these fast foods. Sometimes within supermarkets we don’t even know what we are buying is an alternative in terms of health. From the article “What You Eat Is Your Business” discusses freeing insurance to people in order to promote healthy lifestyles. We need free insurance because in reality it is the government's fault for our people being sick due to the promotion of fast food restaurants worldwide. Its not only fast food ,but also what food industries sell in supermarkets that are considered unhealthy due to high cholesterol and carcinogen within the foods.

Eating more processed foods could increase your cancer risk, study says


  1. Isabel, A strong point of view using the readings and videos from the assignment to build your argument for healthy eating as a personal choice and lifestyle. You point out that not knowing what was added to accessible foods be they fast food or at the grocery story can lead might negatively affect our health, so pushing for content labeling is preferred.

    You may wish to be careful not to say 'all parents' or all people vs. some or many... (It's harder to prove and defend "all" and "always."

    Good graphics and a nice video link!
    Professor Knauer


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